Mahindra makes the seven-seater version of the XUV700 available in the entry level MX range. Priced at Rs 15 lakh with the diesel engine, the XUV700 MX 7-seater is priced Rs 3 lakh below the AX3 seven-seater. This new three-line model is technically and visually the 5-seater XUV700 MX.
Compared to the 5-seater 2.2-litre diesel XUV700 MX priced at Rs 14.60, the seven-seater variant is priced at Rs 40,000 more. The MX 7 seat shares two lines with all its components; There is an 8-inch infotainment touchscreen with Android Auto, four speakers, 7-inch MID and analog dial, multiple USB ports, steering wheel, center armrest, four-passenger seats, interior lighting, ORVM electrical and ISOFIX mounts.
The SUV is also likely to feature third-row air vents, a second-row center armrest, and the 60:40 one-touch tilt function found on the other seven seats. The five colors seen on the MX are also available – Everest White, Midnight Black, Bright Red, Fury Red and Napoli Black.
XUV700 MX 7-seater is the same technology as the 5-seater. Both have a modest 156bhp 2.2 diesel engine, mated to a six-speed manual. Since the MX 5-seater is available with a 2.0-liter turbo gasoline engine and a 6-speed, it is possible that this option will also come with 7 seats.
With the introduction of a new entry-level SUV, Mahindra makes the XUV700 affordable and affordable – the SUV specialist has launched the XUV700 Blaze range. , It also means that Tata Safari (Rs 16.19 lakh) and MG Hector Plus (Rs 17 lakh) seven diesel variants have undercut the starting price of Mahindra’s three large SUVs.