Citroën India today announced the launch of a new top of the line Shine variant on the C3 with a bouquet of exclusive feature additions. These include electrically adjustable ORVM, rear parking camera, day/night IRVM, 15-inch diamond cut alloys, front fog lamps, rear skid plates, rear wiper & washer, rear defogger. The Shine variant of this B-hatch will also come equipped with MY CITROEN CONNECT app with 35 Smart connectivity features as part of the Citroën’s Connectivity 1.0 plan.
Saurabh Vatsa, Brand Head, Citroën India added, “We are excited to launch the new Shine variant of the Citroën C3 with the latest features that customers in this segment are aspiring for. With the new Citroën Connectivity 1.0 now on board the C3, this hatch with a twist will truly be perfect all-round package for the young and progressive customer in this competitive segment.”
Citroën C3 product range is now compliant with BS6 Phase II norms.
Citroën C3 BS6 Ph II Variant wise prices (ex-showroom Delhi)
1.2P Live ₹ 6,16,000
1.2P Feel ₹ 7,08,000
1.2P Feel VIBE PACK ₹ 7,23,000
1.2P Feel DUAL TONE ₹ 7,23,000
1.2P Feel DUAL TONE VIBE PACK ₹ 7,38,000
1.2P Shine ₹ 7,60,000
1.2P Shine VIBE PACK ₹ 7,72,000
1.2P Shine DUAL TONE ₹ 7,75,000
1.2P Shine DUAL TONE VIBE PACK ₹ 7,87,000